"The problem with letting this two party system capitalize on our emotions is that it gets out of control fast. We start accepting things that years ago, even AFTER the 9-11 attacks would have made us sick to our stomachs."
I love making these shows, and I’m really excited that Donald Trump is a Moron, the Podcast, is taking off the way it is. What started as 20, maybe 30 downloads a day has turned into hundreds of downloads per day and is quickly heading to an unbelievable 1000+ downloads per day! February alone had 3,451 downloads!
That tells me one thing: you are sharing this show and a lot of people are listening because of you.
So I want to say this right now: Thank You. Thank you for helping me get this out to as many people as possible. I believe that the message in this podcast can help change what could be a truly dystopian future if we continue to let our anger, fear and hatred control politics and our personal lives here in the US. So keep it up! You are awesome! You can find all the links at http://www.donaldtrumpisamoron.net
Thanks for the feedback;
Michael Kickingbear
Native Opinion Podcast
***audio clip***[Trump tells pigs blood and bullets story]
We’re going to talk about pigs blood and torture today, which seems pretty appropriate for a election cycle right?
Wait, who am I kidding, there’s never an appropriate time to discuss mocking someones religion and figuring out ways to murder them in the most offensive ways possible. But what do I know? I’m not running for president. Here’s what Donald Trump has to say.
First of all, we don’t know if that story is true or not. If it is, it’s disgusting.
Secondly, is Donald Trump really drawing inspiration from a historical (albeit made-up) figure who does the most insanely evil things he can think of in order to prove a point? Was I the only one that heard Donald Trump glorify this monsters actions in admiration of his sadistic antics in front of a crowd… And did that crowd just cheer?
I get it. I really do. After going through 9-11 and seeing the destruction caused, the senseless killing we hear about on an almost daily basis I completely understand why people would be enraged at those who committed these acts of terror. I understand the desire for revenge that grows as you feel less and less is done about it.
But really now, what in the world America? This blood lust needs to end. Our freedoms are at stake,
In fact our liberty, the foundation of what ACTUALLY makes America great, is being destroyed by the rhetoric and mentality of people and political parties who turn your fear into anger so they can exploit that rage to gain power.
The problem with letting this two party system capitalize on our emotions is that it gets out of control fast. We start accepting things that years ago, even AFTER the 9-11 attacks would have made us sick to our stomachs. For example:
***audio clip***[go after their families]
This country is letting a genuine lunatic be involved in whats supposed to be a serious debate on how to manage the foreign policy of the United States.
Donald Trump and the mentality that created him is nothing short of evil. He doesn’t want to simply go after people who hate America, he wants to torture them. He wants to bring back waterboarding and “a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding”.
**audio clip** [i’d bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding]
What strikes me as true madness on a large scale is the crowd cheering Donald Trump as he proposes we go WAY FURTHER in our efforts to deliberately inflict physical and psychological pain onto people in order to fulfill whatever desire we, as a country, have at the moment.
If you are a Donald Trump supporter you have to be willing to accept the frightening reality that should he actually be elected president, the United States will be engaging in some of the most evil and unquestionably barbaric practices we’ve seen in our lifetime.
Donald Trump, tell me that you aren’t considering coating the military in pigs blood and murdering as many muslims as you can in the hopes of proving that it will somehow “make America Great”.
These ideas, this mentality and this man is pure evil. And to think that anyone, let alone many Christians, can justify supporting him. I’ve never been so bewildered in my life, I’m do not understand why there are news networks willing to have him on stage speaking to the public to begin with. He refused to go on-stage for a Fox news debate? It should have been the other way around.
And I’m not specifically picking on Fox, what Megyn Kelly did was borderline heroic considering it’s consequences. She stood up to Donald Trump on national television and legitimately risked her career.
But why is the Republican party allowing him on the ticket? Why is he on the debate stage to begin with, not just on fox, but on any network?
Ratings be damned, this man is a monster who is fueling a growing madness in this country.
It’s shameful.
I know I said this at the beginning of the episode, but again, than you for listening, subscribing, sharing, reviewing and buying the Donald Trump is a moron stickers! Please visit http://www.donaldtrumpisamoron.net for all the links to every show, subscribe! We are now on YouTube, Stitcher, iTunes, and libsyn!
Thank you for the great reviews, the amazing tweets and the messages I get emailed to me almost daily now!
You are incredible. Talk to you again soon!